VHA Employees Attend World's Largest Simulation Conference

More than 300 VHA employees were on hand for the opening ceremonies of the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) Conference in New Orleans Jan. 23.
At the IMSH Conference, VHA employees can take part in technology workshops, tours of simulation centers at Tulane University and Louisiana State University, and sessions including "Through the Looking Glass: Simulating Cultural Change" and "How Health Professionals Think: Implications for Clinical Education."
In addition to courses and sessions, the conference hosts an exhibit hall with nearly 65 booths. Exhibitors range from vendors, universities and educational groups, and government organizations including a SimLEARN booth.
Beyond general conference activities, VHA employees will attend a special VHA session that will include remarks from VA Under Secretary for Health Robert A. Petzel, M.D., and the presentation of the Under Secretary for Health's Awards for Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research.