VA Under Secretary Gives First Simulation Training Awards

Dr. Robert A. Petzel (right), presents Timothy W. Liezert with the 2011 Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research Executive Leadership Award.
Veterans Health Administration employees David M. Gaba, MD, and Timothy W. Liezert, FACHE, were recently named the first-ever recipients of the Under Secretary for Health's Awards for Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research.
Department of Veterans Affairs Under Secretary for Health, Dr. Robert A. Petzel presented each with the award at a special VHA Clinical Simulation break-out session during the International Meeting of Simulation in Healthcare in New Orleans Jan. 24.
Dr. Gaba was recognized with the 2011 Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research Practice Award for his numerous contributions to the field of clinical simulation over the past two decades. Dr. Gaba created the first modern mannequin-based fully interactive simulator, which has since been commercialized and, along with his curricula, is in use in thousands of simulation training and education programs around the world. He has also conducted ground-breaking research in Crisis Resource Management (CRM) in clinical care settings and has designed CRM-oriented simulation instructor training designed to improve patient safety outcomes.
Dr. Robert A. Petzel (right), presents Dr. David Gaba with the 2011 Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research Practice Award.

Dr. Robert A. Petzel (right), presents Dr. David Gaba with the 2011 Excellence in Clinical Simulation Training, Education and Research Practice Award.
Dr. Gaba is Staff Anesthesiologist at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Calif., and Associate Dean for Immersive and Simulation-based Learning and Director of the Center for Immersive and Simulation based Learning (CISL) at Stanford University School of Medicine in California. He is also editor-in-chief of "Simulation in Healthcare," the official journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
Mr. Liezert, Director of the Orlando VA Medical Center (VAMC), Fla., was recognized for his role in championing clinical simulation practice at the Orlando VAMC, and in support of VHA efforts to establish its Simulation Learning Education and Research Network (SimLEARN) as a program of peerless excellence. An active contributor to the vibrant and nationally renowned Orlando simulation community, Mr. Liezert has established strong relationships with simulation leaders in industry, government and academia that are greatly benefiting VHA clinical simulation programs. In the construction of the new Orlando VAMC, he has captured his vision to include in the design, a clinical simulation laboratory.